Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goldstream Park Part 2 ~ The Sands Of Time

Time what a precious sand in an hour glass it just slips through your fingers so fast that you can't believe that it has slipped by you. I'm finding that now that I'm working two jobs...good intentions end up being put on the shelf for later. I've started a new job at the hospital I now work 8-1600 Monday to Friday, I'm in my second week there and I'm defiantly going through brain should subside soon though as things are starting to click in my brain with working between two data bases and 8 Excel spread sheets!!! Where I input data from one system into another. Wow!!!! allot to learn...but I've always been up to the challenge...just exhausting that's for sure. So since my new job is 90% Computer work now coming home and sitting in front of another one has not been a motivator for me that's for sure. For my post today I have finished my day at Goldstream for you...with I believe some lovely pictures of song sparrows and some scenic shots I hope you enjoy them.


  1. Oh my goodness...two jobs in front of a computer. Be careful you don't hurt your neck. I did that a few years ago... These are beautiful photos. I love the poses the two birds struck for you! Beautiful scenery......

  2. Hello Crista, In no time you will learn the new system. always a little frustrating though. I am glad you posted today, the scenery is just beautiful. Take care my friend. try to take time for you too. Big hug.

  3. HI Crista,
    Congrats on your new job, and I hope you are not overloaded yourself to much! The song sparrow shots are beautiful and the scenery are magnificent!

  4. Crista, you certainly have a lot on your plate so I'm just going to say this for good measure . . . don't overdue it. I was working 60 hour weeks and wore myself down. I hate that you have to work two jobs but I understand why. I have to tell you those photos are so beautiful. The first one of the bird, he is so very cute. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon! Stay Well, Carol

  5. Your job sounds stressful and hectic! I'm glad you get some time to take photos and relax. These are really pretty photos.

  6. Aw, your little sparrow is so cute. I know what you mean about spending all day in front of a computer and then not wanting to do that some more when you get home. Take care, Crista, and don't work too hard.

  7. Hi Crista. I understand the necessity for this additional work but please take care (eye strain & RSI etc). I'm sure time flies past faster as I get older! Loved the little Sparrow & the gorgeous scenic views. Hugs FAB.

  8. Oh yes I have enjoyed them very much.

    Don't worry about blogging... just do it when you can and enjoy it.

    Your photos are always a welcome treat for the senses.

    best wishes to you and I hope things settle sooner than later.
    Ribbon x

  9. Hi Crista! As always... just beautiful photographs. Wish I was there! I hope all is going well for you and you're finding a comfortable niche. I hope you still have time for your photography! Chin up, girl!!

  10. I hope that you have had a wonderful christmas and all the best wishes for this new year

    x Ribbon

  11. Love all your pics.. and the scenery.. so beautiful..
