Simply Black N White
Well happy Sunday I thought I would put some Simply Black N White's up. This weekend I put my camera away and curled up instead with some great novels...something I enjoy doing from time to time. Just enjoying the story I get sucked into (with pleasure!!) During my time away from my camera it gave me time to reflect on my photography and what Nature really means to me. Do I focus on birds? Flowers? Bugs? Scenic shots....well yes to all. When I created my blog I thought my main focus was about birds..but as time has passed I have realized I don't really fit into that mold. I've tried to structure my blog into one category and I feel I haven't been very successful with that and I lost what Nature means to me in the process. So in light of my new thought processes this weekend I will be changing how people find my changing my Nature blog from birds to more of an Ecosystem type of blog...where everything I post is a symbol of nature rather that just one main subject matter. As a whole I'm being more true to my heart rather than stuffing my Nature loves into a very tight cookie cutter so to speak...I hope you enjoy a more diverse Nature experience when you come to read and view my Nature posts.
Hi Crista. It's good to rethink & redefine our goals from time to time. "Nature As Is" always did suggest much more than birds to me so I will continue to keep dropping by. Cheers Frank
ReplyDeleteThanks Frank...I'm glad to hear that you like my blog and that you will continue to pop by!! I enjoy hearing from you
Hi Crista. I enjoy seeing all kinds of different stuff on your blog, so I'll certainly still be here whether you post about birds, flowers, bugs, fungus.... whatever. The natural world is so large, it's next to impossible to stick to just one subject. I bounce around constantly to different subjects on my blog (sometimes having nothing to do with nature) based on whatever feels right. It's always interesting to see which posts bring comments from which people, but overall, do what feels right to YOU. And have fun with it! I'll support you 100%!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Heather I appriciate the support in my new decision....