Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 10 ~ Peak to Peak Gondala Experience Part 1 ~ Part 2 Tomorrow

Today as usual was a hot day and an exciting day....we headed up Whistler Mountain to explore the environment up at the top...and I have to tell you I was completely amazed. Not only is there beautiful views, but alot of everywhere massive purple carpets of them, small delicate flowers of all different colors and sizes, butterflies and hoverflies. I was amazed. So since I have so many photo's to edit still I thought I would post this experience over a couple of days. I will show you life, Mountain views from not only Whistler mountain but Black Comb as we take the Worlds largest Gondola ride from one mountain to another. I have taken pictures of the facts posted about the Gondola so you can read it for is very cool that British Columbia has mastered such a feat!! Very impressive.

Even though these two images are very similar I just couldn't make up my mind which one was I thought maybe I could convince all of you to vote and tell me which one to keep!! This is a view on the ski life taking us up to the very top of Whistler..this is a glacier face and in the winter time when there is tons of snow this run is a Double Black Diamond run. Only a pro Skier is aloud to use this run and you have to show proof before they let you start the run. Very strict here for everyone's safety.

This wonderful images greats you as you get off the Ski lift and walk towards the hiking trails...very deep moment for those that believe in the spiritual symbolism of this rock structure...I'm aware of the proper name I just can't spell it :(

I took this picture to show you the Elevation of the Whistler Mountain..Wow we were really high up today. Nice and cool up here :) I finally was comfortable for the first time this trip and wasn't all swollen from the heat. I could have stayed up on the mountain all day long. Tomorrow Part 2 ~ Mountain flowers, streams, Mountain views and bugs


  1. Wow.........gorgeous!! The snow looks good! Cool rock formation...who created it/stacked it/sculpted it?

  2. The second photo gives a real impression of the size of the mountain. The man made pylons are probably large but look so insignificant on the mountain side.

    Fascinated by the ripples on the surface of the glacier. Looks as though they could be caused by wind on fresh snow. I would guess it can be very windy up there.

    You are getting your money's worth in beautiful views.

  3. Beautiful photos, I liked the first one because it apppeared closer and I thought there was more impact. What do I know? I am glad you had a day of not been swollen. Basck tomorrow.

  4. Fantastic scenery Crista...well worth the effort (& expense). Looking forward to the next episode. Lol FAB

  5. Kelly ~ I'm not able to answer your question ~ Unfortunate there was no sign about the structure or history of why it was there.

    John, Cinner and Frank ~ It was definatly worth the expense...I will always remember going up there...stay tuned though lots to see.
